



Ok, kali ini saya akan share game jadul (walaupun gak jadul-jadul amat sih😂😂) yaitu 9MM, game ini hampir sama kaya gangstar vegas (sebut aja namanya karena masih satu dev😂😂) Tapi disini kita berperan sebagai polisi (jhon violent bukan jhon lenon ya😂) di sebuah kota di california (gak tau itu dimana karena saya belum pernah kesana😂😂) yang mempunyai misi memberantas kejahatan seperti penyelundupan barang haram (gak usah disebutin😂) penculikan dll dan melawan para gangster. walapun ini game lama tetapi mempunyai grafik dan game play yang sangat bagus (menurut saya) dan ukuran yang tidak terlalu besar, gak usah lama-lama langsung aja ke intinya,,,

Deskripsi :

You are John Violent Cannon – the leader of team of cops who aren't afraid to cross through the law for the sake of performance of the work. Having killed his brother, a local drug baron, and having taken with yourself some million dollars, you ran into serious troubles. Now you have only one way: despite of the law to kill the leader of a gang before he crushes your team. You are waited for by dangerous work, so arm with guns, shot-guns, machine guns, grenade launchers, etc. You should take leaders of groups and informants alive, tracking down them in city streets and trying to make them speak in not friendly situation. The game is full of drive, has excellent graphics, quite good registration, an excellent postscoring and a huge choice of the weapon. Play with your friends and opponents online in Free game and Team fight made for 12 players on 4 maps.

    • Dive headlong into this stylish third-person shooter game where you’ll jump and fire clip after clip from your guns in stunning slow motion stunts to take out rooms full of criminals.
    • The action simulation really comes to life as destructible 3D environments splinter and explode.
    • These gangsters don’t play games, so arm yourself with an arsenal of weapons, including a pistol, shotgun, submachine gun, grenade launcher and more.
    • Set out to fight crime and corruption in varied locations like the Latino Suburbs, Night Club, Police Department, Rich Suburbs, Industrial Area and Mexico.
    • Catch gang leaders and informants alive, chasing them through city streets and taking them aside for a not-so-friendly chat in the interrogation challenge.
    • Play 9mm online to join friends and other opponents in grand Free for All and Team Deathmatch gunfights for up to 12 players on 4 different maps.
    • A hip-hop/rap soundtrack that intensifies the tone of the game, including established artists such as:
    • Freeway & Jake One

Genre Game : Laga
Mode Game : Offline
Developer : Gameloft
Versi Game : 1.0.1

 Cara Instal :
1. Download apk+data
2. Instal apk
3. Extrack data ke Android/data/disini mengunakan RAR/Zarchiver (jika belum punya bisa download di bawah {NOTE : didalam game akan mendownload data lagi untuk menyesuaikan dengan gpu masing" sebesar kurang lebih 400an mb mungkin setiap gpu berbeda"})
4. Jalankan gamenya
Happy Gaming😀😁

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4. Klik link download
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