



Ok, bagi kalian yang suka game horror kali ini saya akan share game yang bertemakan game horror (bagi kalian yg punya penyakit jantung atau yg lain di larang keras bermain game ini karena di sini banyak jumpscare yang bakal memacu adrenalin kalian, saya tidak akan bertanggung jawab atas kejadian yg menimpa anda nanti) Berlatar di sebuah rumah sakit tua kita di suruh untuk mencari jalan keluar dengan cara memecahkan teka teki di dalamnya, menurut saya game ini sangat bagus di tambh lagi efek suara dan grafik yg menabjubkan menambah keseruan game ini, oke gak usah lama" langsung aja,,,,

Deskripsi ;
Are you ready to accept the gift of madness and understand the secrets of the deep? If yes — “Mental Hospital IV” is waiting for you.

Your intellect is thirsty for non standard tasks, and nervous for a “tickle”? Than horror-action “Mental Hospital IV” from AGaming+ will shake you to the core! Cut the lights, connect your headphones. And watch out, because he is the only one to help you to get out of these horror paws!

Our history started a short time afterwards, after the events at Mental Hospital III. The principal character’s mind was haunted with a story that happened in the St. Peter Hospital. Police sat back on its heels, big newspapers kept quiet. And then, one fine day, a stranger called us and said that he could tell everything in details in a face-to-face meeting. And you are going to a specified place... What can be simpler?!.. That is what you thought also. But you will remember till the end of our life about the story, you got involved to. After you had crushed into an orphan home you got to close quarters with its inmates. And realized that what you saw there cannot be described in words, it may be erased from a cassette, but never from your memory.

And it rests with you only, whether you will be able to solve this tangle of chaos and horror.

Yang Baru

- The final update
- Added a new level (to go to the next level it is necessary to re-pass the level of the cemetery)
- Fix minor bugs and errors
- Preparing for the new levels
- Fix minor bugs and errors
- Added level
- Minor fixes
- Corrections and completion display camera video
- 1.03
Added a new level
Minor fixes and improvements
- 1.02
Added a new level
Minor fixes and improvements

Genre Game : Laga, Horror
Mode Game : Offline
Developer : AGaming+
Versi Game : 1.07

Cara Instal :

1. Download apk+data dibawah
2. Instal apk
3. Extrack data menggunakan RAR/Zarchiver (jika belum punya bisa download di bawah)
4. Pindah data ke Android/obb/disini
5. Jalankan gamenya
 Happy Gaming😀😁

 Cara Download :
1. Buka browser/chrome di hh kalian (jangan menggunakan UC browser)
2. Matikan adblocker
3. Masukan captcha
4. Klik link download
5. Download gamenya
 Link Download :

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