


Ok,  kali ini saya akan share game TPS dengan grafik yang ajib dan tentunya dengan size yang tidak besar, Yaitu slaughter. bercerita tentang seseorang yang terperangkap di sebuah penjara dan di haruskan untuk melarikan diri dari penjara tersebut. tetapi melarikan diri dari penjara tersebut tidaklah mudah, di sana kita akan menghadapi penjaga penjara dan para penghuni penjara tersebut dan tentunya menggunakan senjata, tetapi tenang saja di sini kita juga akan di bekali sebuah senjata untuk bertahan diri dan melawan penjaga tersebut, gak usah lama-lama langsung simak aja........

Deskripsi :
You are Russell - a mercenary who was imprisoned in a city inhabited by madmen! He has a long journey to freedom lying through grim streets of abandoned town.
Grab a gun and sweep your way through hordes of lunatics and horrendous bosses!

In the "Slaughter" you can play a single player campaign and survival mode (arena mode)

- Single-player campaign mode — a complete walkthrough with the story part and lots of action. To escape from captivity, Russell has to overcome various obstacles, as well as shoot lots of enemies. But don't worry, there is lots of weapons for it, which you will find in the course of the passing game.

- Survival mode - you need to stay as long as possible, fighting off waves of enemies.
By passing the wave you are given money and experience. With money you can buy new guns, recruit soldiers, or buy special portable turrets. The experience increases your level,
opening up access to new weapons and giving the opportunity to gain money faster.

To summarize, Slaughter is:
- Classic shooter with a single campaign
- Arena mode with three different locations
- Tons of weapons
- Tons of enemies!
- Battles with bosses
- Beautiful graphics with excellent optimization

I do not even understand what you are still waiting!
Have a good game!

Yang Baru

Survival mode update:
- Added new enemy to arena
- Now you can buy sentry-gun for your support
- Added new arena map
- You can upgrade up to 7 level now
- Small fixes

Genre Game : Laga
Mode Game : Offline
Developer : Ray Spark
Versi Game : 1.01

-Unlimited Ammo
-Unlimited Health

Cara Instal :
1. Download apk+data di bawah
2. Instal apk
3. Extrack data menggunakan RAR/Zarchiver (Jika belun punya bisa download di bawah)
4. Pindah data ke Android/obb/disini
5. Jalankan gamenya
Happy Gaming 😄😃

Cara Download :
1. Matikan adblocker (disarankan jangan menggunakan UC, kalian bisa menggunakan   browser/chrome)
2. Masukan capcthanya lalu submit
3. Klik link tunggu 5 detik lalu skip
4. Download gamenya
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